Desert of My Real Life

{September 21, 2008}   Parking Wars

Earlier this month, I was out for drinks with colleagues. Most of us are friends on FaceBook as well as in real life. A new colleague, Marylena, mentioned that one of her favorite things to do on FaceBook is play Parking Wars. Her sheepish description of the game was not particularly intriguing but because I’m always interested in the games people play, I decide that I would check it out. And once I had played for a few days, I invited some other friends to play as well. Now I’m addicted.

The game is an advertisement for an A&E channel show, also called Parking Wars. I have never seen the show and playing the game doesn’t make me want to go watch the show. So although I think the game is successful as a game, I’m not so sure it’s successful as an advertisement.

Here’s how the game is played. The premise is that you are in charge of a street with five spaces on it. Some of the five spaces do not allow parking. Some allow parking for only cars of a certain color. And some might allow parking for cars of any color. The arrangement of these five spaces changes at random. In addition, you have some cars of your own that you need to park. You can’t park them on your own streets. Instead, you have to park them on the streets of your friends (of course, only those friends who have also installed the Parking Wars application) and two strangers. For every minute that your car is parked on a particular street, the car gains monetary value. When you move the car from one spot to another, you earn the value of that car at that moment. You also earn money if you catch someone parked illegally on your street–you ticket them and you earn the amount that the car is worth at the time of ticketing. Of course, if it is your car that is ticketed, you lose the amount that the car is worth at the time of ticketing.

When I first started playing Parking Wars, my only FaceBook friend who was playing was Marylena. So I could park on her street and on the streets of two strangers. I installed the application, parked my two cars and then promptly forgot about the application. A few days later, I received a FaceBook message from Marylena telling me that there were cars parked illegally on my street just waiting for me to ticket them. I’ve been hooked on the game ever since. I went to the game, ticketed Marylena, got the money from those tickets and became a Parking Pro (I had been a Parking Amateur up to that point). I also was able to purchase a third car, which allowed me to start earning more money. That act of altruism on Marylena’s part stuck with me because it hooked me on the game. After playing for a few days with only three streets to park on, I realized that the game would be much more fun if I had more streets to choose from. So I invited my closest FaceBook friends (who are my closest friends in real life–go figure) to play the game. Within hours, I had seven streets to park on and the game was even more fun.

As my friends became acquainted with Parking Wars, I watched them move from Parking Amateurs to Parking Pros. I explained how the game worked. And I engaged in the same sort of altruism with them that Marylena had shown toward me. I parked illegally on their streets, simply so they could earn some money and thus, become hooked on the game.

Today, I was explaining this game to Evelyn. I mentioned the altruism because I had been somewhat uncomfortable with the part of the game that tempts you to park illegally if you can get away with it. I thought the altruism redeemed this troubling aspect of the game somewhat. Evelyn pointed out to me that the altruism sounded like the kind of altruism that heroin dealers show to potential new clients. They give away a taste of the heroin for free, hoping to capture their new clients in addiction so that they become lifelong customers. She’s absolutely right in making this comparison. I was trying to get my friends addicted to the game by giving them a taste of what the game has to offer. Their long-term addiction was worth the short-term hit to my current cash level because in the long run, it’s good to have more people to play with.

So games really are like drugs! They both give us the same little jolt of pleasure in our brains.

Ann McClellan says:

I really liked your posting on Parking Wars (even if I’d been part of the test run of the idea beforehand!). I wonder if altruism is really the right word here. Are you helping out your friends, or helping yourself get more people to game with? Maybe the issue at hand is community rather than philosophy. Perhaps games are about connecting with people over shared interests, even if they are as banal as parking cartoon cars on someone’s fictional street. Interesting.

I completely agree that altruism is not the right word, especially in the context of this game. But that’s the way I was thinking of my generous actions of parking on your streets illegally. I thought I was just GIVING you money out of the goodness of my heart. Isn’t that altruistic of me? Evelyn pointed out that I actually had these other motives, which are totally selfish in the long run!

Liz says:

Love the post. I am totally addicted to this game now. I love how simple it is — I’m surprised, actually, that it hasn’t bored me yet. I mean, it’s not particularly action packed (like when you’re in the parking lot in front of Rounds, and there’s one spot left, and you and TWO other cars are circling, then heading for it…the tension…the victory…the defeat). I like that I can just “check in” a couple of times a day (though I confess I checked in MORE than that this weekend). I love that it DOESN’T send annoying little messages/reminders to my “live feed” or whatever. Also, I’ve earned a couple of badges, which makes me want to earn MORE badges. MORE.

Liz says:

Oh, also — I wonder about other potential variations on the game — like, what if you could put a lawn chair in an empty parking space for a limited amount of time to reserve it? Or what if you could, say, once a week, declare “STREET CLEANING” and all the cars on your street would have an hour to move or get ticketed? What if you added “One hour parking only” signs?

mugahid says:

i want to play more fun parking games

Very interesting article, i bookmarked your blog
Best regards

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